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Category: In the News

In the News

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Convenes New Artificial Intelligence and Election Security Advisory Committee

“Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes hosted the inaugural meeting of his Artificial Intelligence and Election Security Advisory Committee. This group of subject-matter experts, co-chaired by Chris Cummiskey and Gowri […]

Jun 27, 2024

In the News

Calls for hand-counted votes underline mistrust in election process

“Jennifer Morrell, CEO and founder of The Elections Group, told UPI the conspiracy theories about voting technology coming out of the 2020 election certainly played a large role in eroding […]

Jun 7, 2024

In the News

Election administrators struggle to navigate bans on outside assistance

“The Elections Group, an elections consulting firm, typically provided many services to local officials pro bono, such as consulting on best practices for post-election audits or signature reconciliation. It has begun posting […]

Jun 3, 2024

In the News

Election Workers in the Crosshairs

“She was a city clerk for Rochester Hills, Michigan. After Trump lost the state, the threats started coming. Guest: Tina Barton, Senior Elections Expert, The Elections Group.” Listen to the […]

Jun 3, 2024

In the News

New Effort Aims to Improve Election Tech Vulnerability Tests

“Most states also require new or updated equipment to be tested against Election Assistance Commission standards. In addition, they have to undergo acceptance testing to ensure they still function as […]

May 17, 2024

In the News

Experts highlight progress, challenges for election security

“The panel, titled “Builders and Breakers: Partnering for Secure Elections” was hosted by Scott Algeier, executive director of the not-for-profit organization the Information Technology – Information Sharing and Analysis Center […]

May 8, 2024

In the News

How Election Officials Can Identify, Prepare for, and Respond to AI Threats

“Mere awareness of the ways that AI might threaten elections is no substitute for actually seeing how it could do so. On December 15–16, 2023, the office of Arizona Secretary […]

May 8, 2024

In the News

In Arizona, election workers trained with deepfakes to prepare for 2024

“The Brennan Center, a nonpartisan law and policy group, and the Elections Group, which consults with election officials across the country, helped develop parts of the tabletop exercise for Arizona […]

May 8, 2024

In the News

Focus on Election Confidence: Interview with Jennifer Morrell

“Jennifer Morrell is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of The Elections Group, where she develops professional resources for elections officials and consults on election administration and auditing.” Watch the full interview on […]

Apr 16, 2024

In the News

Texas county’s GOP officials declared hand count a success, but kept finding errors

“‘This 100% is indicative that we know mistakes are going to happen every single time. And I don’t know how anybody would feel confident, after that many errors were identified, […]

Mar 18, 2024